Scientists have developed a new type of 'tearless' onions
which produce less protein.
Scientists say the 'tearless' onions not only prevent eyes from burns and
tears, but also fight against cardiovascular disease and weight gain.
Researchers Colin C Eady and colleagues noted that the
onion has a unique chemistry that leads to its tear inducing effects when cut.
The scientists found that in lab tests, extract from the tearless onion
significantly reduced platelet clumping, compared to regular onions or even
According to the study published in The American Chemical
Society's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the tearless onion could
help control weight gain as regular onions or garlic. Many people eat garlic
cloves or take it as a nutritional supplement in pill form to reduce the
clumping of platelets in the blood, which can lead to blood clots and clogged
arteries. Results showed that the new onion has about the same
anti-inflammatory properties as the original.