World Amazing Stuff: Gr8! Women Awards 2014 pictures

Gr8! Women Awards 2014 pictures

Bollywood stars and real-life heroines meet in Dubai to honour achievers at the annual Gr8! Women Awards at the Sofitel Hotel in Palm Jumeirah, Dubai UAE. The event, instituted by the Indian Television Academy, is a nod to all the women achievers in the fields of arts, commerce, sports, science and entrepreneurship.

Kangana Ranaut was honoured for distinction in cinema 

Shriya Saran walks the red carpet at the Gr8! Women Awards 2014

Simi Garewal won the Lifetime Achievement Award

Anushka Ranjan

Shweta Kawaatra

Akansha Ranjan

Harshdeep Kaur

Barkha Bisht Sengupta

Ridhi Dogra Vashisth

Asha Negi