World Amazing Stuff: Tallest woman in the world

Tallest woman in the world

World tallest woman

An Indian woman from south Dinajpur district of West Bengal has been declared the world’s tallest woman. Siddiqa Parveen, 28, at 233.6cm (7ft 8in), has received the title from Guinness World Records.

The new record book that was launched this week in London does declare her the tallest, but authorities say there is still some work to be done on her actual height. The record for the shortest living woman already belongs to an Indian.

Initial medical reports suggested that her height was more than 8 feet, but further medical examination revealed her exact length. The book, entry says: “The tallest woman living is Siddiqa Parveen of South Dinajpur, India, who in December 2012 was measured by Doctor Debasis Saha from Fortis Hospitals to be at least 222.25cm (7 feet 3.5 inches). Dr Saha estimates her standing height to be at least 233.6cm (7ft 8in)”.

The news however brought little cheer to Parveen, who grapples with serious health issues or her family, who are unable to bear the medical expenses. “My daughter’s abnormal growth started at the age of ten. Due to her height she cannot even stand properly and we are so poor that she does not fit in our house. She regularly needs to eat two kilograms of rice, but we do not know how to provide for her,” said Parveen’s mother.

Doctors say that Parveen’s abnormal height is due to a tumour on the pituitary gland in the brain that leads to additional secretion of hormones.

“She is under treatment here in Calcutta Medical College at government cost considering that her parents are unable to afford it. Apart from the hormonal issue, she suffers from severe lack of calcium which has led to fragile bones and is unable to stand up,” said Dr. Nirmal Majhi, member of legislative standing committee of health.

India already holds the record for being home to the world's shortest woman. Standing at 24.7 inches, Jyoti Amge has held the Guinness world record title for Shortest Living Woman.