World Amazing Stuff: Highest civilian airport in the world

Highest civilian airport in the world

The world’s highest civilian airport has started operation in Daocheng county of Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province, china in a bid to boost tourism and tighten political control over the country’s restive west and dramatically cutting travel time in the remote region in southwestern China.

The Daocheng Yading Airport is the world’s highest civilian airport which began operation on 16/09/2013 Monday. At an elevation of 4,411m above sea level, Daocheng Yading Airport replaces the previous champion, Bangda Airport in the Tibet Autonomous Region, which sits at 4,334m.

Aircraft engines produce less thrust at such elevations because of the much thinner air, calling for longer runways. The one at Daocheng Yading is 4,200m (13,780 feet) long, just 242m (794 feet) shorter than the longest runway at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport..

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