World Amazing Stuff: Dubai Expo 2020 victory celebration pictures

Dubai Expo 2020 victory celebration pictures

After a thrilling night of voting in Paris, Dubai has won the right to host the World Expo 2020 and young and old join in celebrations across the country after the winner of World Expo 2020 bid was announced in Paris on 27/11/2013.

With this, Dubai will become the first city in the Middle East to host the global event. Dubai had in its proposal offered to hold the event form October 20, 2020 to April 10, 2021.

Dubai- with the theme ‘Connecting Minds, Creating The Future’, which focuses on infrastructure, sustainability and economic opportunities- beat Izmir (Turkey), Ekaterinburg (Russia), and Sao Paulo (Brazil). The candidate city was decided by a voting procedure that comprised three secret ballots for which 167 member nations cast their votes.

The UAE’s performance improved with each vote. They improved their first round showing of 77 votes by gaining 10 more votes in the second round, while heavyweights Russia improved by only two. This gave credence to the fact that any political maneuverings that had been expected by countries had been negated by the sheer confidence of the UAE’s performance.