World Amazing Stuff: MTV Movie Awards 2014 pictures

MTV Movie Awards 2014 pictures

The MTV Movie Awards 2014 is being held in Los Angeles, California April 13, 2014. The MTV Movie Awards are decided by fans in online voting.

Actress Mila Kunis with her Best Villian award as Theodora, Wicked Witch of the West, in the film "Oz the Great and Powerful" during the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actor Zac Efron (R) accepts the Best Shirtless Performance award for 'That Awkward Moment' from singer Rita Ora (L) onstage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Josh Hutcherson poses with his best male performance award and movie of the year award for "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" in the press room at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actress Jessica Alba (L) and singer Rita Ora speak onstage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actress Shailene Woodley, who went on to win the Favorite Character award for 'Divergent,' arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

English actor Will Poulter poses in the press room of the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actor Mark Wahlberg with his Generation award at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actress Greer Grammer arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actor Jared Leto poses backstage with the award for Best Onscreen Transformation for "Dallas Buyers Club" at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actor Channing Tatum with his Trailblazer award backstage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actress Victoria Justice arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Rihanna performs on stage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Musician Matthew Koma (L) and singer Miriam Bryant perform at the 2014 MTV Movie

Grumpy Cat arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Johnny Depp presents the award for Best Movie of the Year at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Model and actress Mayra Veronica arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actress Jessica Alba arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Singer Nicki Minaj arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

From left: Actress Leslie Mann, model/actress Kate Upton, actress Cameron Diaz, and recording artist Nicki Minaj attend the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Jonah Hill accepts the award for best comedic performance for "The Wolf of Wall Street" on stage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Actor Orlando Bloom (L) accepts the Best Fight award for 'The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug' from actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson onstage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards

Rapper Eminem performs onstage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards