World Amazing Stuff: Most Stylish Awards 2014 pictures

Most Stylish Awards 2014 pictures

Bollywood celebrities at HT Mumbai’s 'Most Stylish Awards 2014' held in Mumbai on 08 March 2014. Most Stylish Awards 2014 best pictures,  Most Stylish Awards 2014 pictures

Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Bollywood actress Kajol Devgn during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Bollywood actress Kangna Ranaut during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Actresses Priyanka Chopra and Sonakshi Sinha at HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai 

Bollywood actress Sonakhi Sinha during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Bollywood actress Lisa Haydon during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Bollywood actress Richa Chadda during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Bollywood actress Tisca Chopra during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Actor Shah Rukh Khan during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Actor Mohit Raina during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Singer Ayushman Khurana during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Anil Kapoor and Sonakhi Sinha during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Anil Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra during HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai

Actors Swara Bhaskar and Anil Kapoor during HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai 

Actor Manish Paul during the HT Mumbai "Most Stylish Awards" ceremony in Mumbai