World Amazing Stuff: Health benefits of Beans

Health benefits of Beans

1) Beans is effective in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Beans contain phytonutrients such as isoflavones and phytosterols which have antioxidant properties and help in reducing the risk of cancer and heart diseases.

2) Beans help in weight loss. Beans contain a significant amount of fiber which play an important role in making one to feel full for longer, controlling blood cholesterol levels and also saponins and phytosterols which also help lower cholesterol.

3) Beans also help in managing diabetes. Beans are a good source of protein and the balance of complex carbohydrates and protein provides a slow source of glucose.

Possible side effects
1) Beans contain a compound tyramine which has been reported to trigger migraines.

2) Beans also cause uncomfortable flatulence problems, this happens when the body breaks down sugars and gas build up.

Quantity recommendations
I would recommend the consumption of at least one cup of cooked beans a day, this will help in meeting the fiber and protein recommended daily intake.

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