World Amazing Stuff: Luxurious boats in pictures

Luxurious boats in pictures

The 22nd edition of the Dubai International Boat Show is expected to attract 26,000 visitors from 70 countries. 430 boats and 19 superyachts are on display at the event, which brings together 750 brands, with 42 global and regional premiers. The event is run between 04th March 2014 and 08 March 2014 at the Dubai International Marine Club and will be open for trade visitors and the public between 3pm to 9:30pm. The entry fee is Dhs 60.

Dubai International Boat Show 2014 pictures

Gulf Craft's superyacht Majesty 48

Luxury yachts

88.5 meter superyacht Nirvana

Gulf Craft yatch on display

The RXP-X water scooter

Spark water scooters

Yacht Oliver by Asis

Onboard the Majesty 135 superyacht

Dubai Police swat team Craft by Asis

88m superyatch Quattroelle

88.5 metre long superyacht Nirvana

Dubai Police swat team Craft by Asis