World Amazing Stuff: World’s tallest high Roller pictures

World’s tallest high Roller pictures

The 550 foot tall High Roller has finally opened on the Las Vegas Strip on 31st March 2014.

1.       The High Roller breaks records as the world's tallest observation wheel
2.       The ride takes passengers on a 30-minute loop
3.       The wheel is 100ft taller than the London Eye

The observation wheel, the tallest in the world, is part of the Linq project, a $550 million shopping and entertainment district developed by Caesars Entertainment Corp. Standing more than 100-feet taller than the London Eye, the High Roller is the tallest observation wheel in the world.

Riders are getting their first turns on a skyline-changing Las Vegas Strip observation wheel that's opening as the world’s tallest. Riders will get a 30-minute ride and view of the city in one of two booths in each of the wheel's 28 Italian glass cabins, each 44,000 pounds in weight. Each cabin holds up to 40 people, totally 1,120 people at capacity. 

World’s tallest, high Roller opens in Las Vegas pictures