World Amazing Stuff: Free Wi-fi on Emirates flight

Free Wi-fi on Emirates flight

Emirates airline said on 04/11/2014 Tuesday it is spending $20 million (Dh73.4 million) a year as its rolls out Wi-fi services across its fleet and will move to one day make the service available to passengers for free.

“Ultimately, we believe that on-board Wi-fi will become a free service and a standard that customers will expect on a full service airline, said Tim Clark, president of Emirates airline. The Middle East’s largest passenger airline currently offers wi-fi on its 53 Airbus A380s and on 28 Boeing 777s.

In October, the airline recorded a 200 per cent surge in wi-fi usage compared to the same month a year earlier. Through October the daily average was 3,500 passengers using on-board wi-fi services at an average of 28 megabytes (MB) per user, the airline said. Read more:>>>>>>