The United Kingdom includes England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland . It is the
second most popular tourist destination in the European. London is one of the Europe 's major
transportation hubs and is a base for many of the European discount airlines
that offer inexpensive flights to cities throughout the EU. The currency in UK is stealing pound.
01) Trafalgar Square
Square is a public space and tourist attraction
in central London and it is considered
to be the heart of London . Trafalgar Square is a landmark in
central London enjoyed by Londoners
and all visitors alike.
03) London Eye
04) St. Paul 's Cathedral
St Paul's Cathedral isLondon 's 17th century
baroque church with Greek style columns. It is one of the England most famous landmarks
05) Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the official London residence and
principal workplace of the British rulers. Located in the City of Westminster ,
the palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.
Visitors from many countries visiting to see world's most famous palace.
06) English Coast
02) British Parliament
one of the most photographed buildings inLondon is the British
Parliament. Tourists from around the world adore this magnificent symbol
of freedom and democracy. The UK Parliament Buildings are located on the River
Thames near Whitehall .
one of the most photographed buildings in
The London
Eye is a giant Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames in London , England . The entire structure
is 135m tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120m. It is the
tallest Ferris wheel in Europe , and the most popular
paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom , visited by over
3.5 million people annually.
St Paul's Cathedral is
offer visitors some of the prettiest countryside in the European Union.
Visitors can enjoy spectacular panoramic views of the English Channel and nearby