World Amazing Stuff: Eco-Dubai 1 travel 1000km in a litter fuel

Eco-Dubai 1 travel 1000km in a litter fuel

Eco-Dubai 1, can travel 1000km with just a one litter fuel

A team of engineering students in the UAE have designed a car that could potentially travel up to 1,000km on just one litre of fuel.

The lightweight vehicle, named Eco-Dubai 1, it has been designed almost two years of work by students at the Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Men's College. The vehicle is half a meter wide, two meters long and half a meter high and weighs about 25kg.

Ahmad Khamis Al Suwaidi, one of the students behind the car, said: "Petrol is not going to last forever. One day we're going to run out. So in terms of developing a local eco-car industry, it starts with us. We're the future of the UAE in this."

The students put their creation to the test at Shell's Eco-Marathon to be held July 4-7 in Kuala Lumpur. The competition is based on designing a car that can travel the farthest on just one litre of fuel. The record for the longest distance traveled is held by students from France's Polytech Nantes University, who designed a car that traveled almost 4,900km.